January is a time of renewal. At the start of the year, I find it inspiring to review my life and gain a deeper understanding of what is working well and what goals I have completed. However, it’s also a time when I think about the difference between resolution and intention. I believe in intentions. During the New Year, we tend to put lofty expectations on ourselves around creating resolutions. But what if we created space to slow down throughout the year so we could pay attention to our desires as the year unfolded? What would it look like to make a monthly intention instead?
Intentions are goals that we hope to succeed in, but that doesn't necessarily need to be resolved. They can be set down and picked up and evolve as your life evolves. You can always try again to meet your intention. One of my intentions for the New Year is to expand the Talisman platform to include live feed videos around wellness, lifestyle, design, and product as well as offering in-person events.
What is one of your intentions? If you’d like to share an intention with us, please email us at info@talismanlifestyle.com and we will share some of the Talisman community intentions in our next issue for inspiration and connection. And remember if you don't connect with your intention right away, you can always meet it again later in the year and finally give it that embraces it's been waiting for. If you never let go, you will get there!